The importance of play for helping to promote positive development among young children is well-documented. Play doesn't just have physical benefits but can also contribute to psychological and emotional development. In today's highly structured environment there are less opportunities for children to engage in the all-important free, child-centred play. Structured activities and computer technology have overtaken free play as the preferred "norm". So when you go on holiday or take a staycation, opportunities for free play are to be prized. In Glenarm, less than 100 metres away your children can enjoy free, child-centred play in a new, imaginative children's playground, situtated in an idyllic seashore location. It's a wonderful place to create happy holiday memories with your children. Carnlough too, boasts a wonderful, newly constructed playground at the beginning of the walkway to the Cranny Falls Waterfall. So come to the Antrim Coast now and watch your children thrive and develop as they engage in free play